4. Infrastructure

4.1. Resources

  • Food Resources orchard (on a plain) delivers apples, farm (on a plain) delivers wheat, cattle farm (on a plain) delivers meat, fishing ground (on coastal sea) delivers fish (fish and cattle meat are combined into one quantity for transport and further processing: fish&meat, the same goes for grain&apple)
  • Other Resources forest or scrub forest (on a plain) delivers wood, oil sources (in swamps or deserts) deliver oil, mines (on hills or mountains) deliver ore or coal, silver mines (in mountains) deliver money (still must be connected), sheep farms (on hills) deliver wool, cotton farms (on plains) deliver cotton (cotton and wool is combined into one quantity for transport and further processing: cotton&wool)
  • Development Every resource deposit except fish has to be developed to deliver resources every turn (maximal development level is three)

4.2. Transportation

  • Every nation has one port, the port of the capital that ideally should be located at a river mouth of a river that goes through this country. This port is the special port through which all the trade goes.
  • Every resource has to be in the catchment area of a depot (capital counts as depot) or a lighthouse or a river port
  • Every resource (except fish) delivers as many units per turn as their level is (1-3)
  • Silver does not give a resource but money ($100) directly!
  • Fish needs a lighthouse next to it
  • Every depot must be connected by railway to the capital or to a port; Lighthouses and river ports are automatically connected
  • Currently transportation cannot be blocked or intercepted in any way, that may change in future versions
  • There are the following maintenance costs: XX


Provide value for XX.